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How to add Recipe structured data?

Structured data is a way to add information about things like recipes, products, and business listings to the search index. This lets users search for more specific types of content, like “chocolate chip cookies” or “uses for olive oil.”

What is structured data?

Structured data is a way to organize information so that machines can better understand it. The most common example of structured data is an itemized list of ingredients in a recipe, but there are other types as well. For example:

• Recipes for food: A recipe consists of a list of ingredients and instructions on how to prepare them. This makes it easy for people (and robots) to navigate through the steps required to make something delicious!
• Video game walkthroughs: If you’ve ever watched someone play through an RPG on YouTube, then you’ve seen some form of this type of content before. It’s usually just text explaining what happens when certain buttons are pressed or things happen within the game itself.
• And Learning Videos, Logo, Local Businesses, FAQ, Q&A, Review Snippets, etc.
How to add Recipe structured data? - Zounax

Does structured data boost your SEO?

Structured data is a way you can help search engines understand the content and context of your pages. So, they can provide more relevant results to searchers.

Meaning, it helps search engines understand the different pieces of information on your page. So, they can organize them, create rich snippets for each piece of information, and even display them in SERPs. Structured data also helps users find what they’re searching for faster and easier.

If you’re interested in getting into structured data, Google Search Central has some resources that can help.

How to add structured data?

To add structured data to your site, you first need to create a JSON-LD file. This is a simple process that can be done through Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper. Once you’ve created the JSON-LD file, you’ll need to add it to your site’s tag. You can do this by adding the following code to your website’s section:
					<script type="application/ld+json">
{ "@context": "", "@type":
"Organization", "name": "Google Search 
Central", "url": "https://structureddata.", "logo": "https://www.

In another word, you need to:

• Add the markup to your web pages. The easiest way is by using a tool like Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool or Bing’s Structured Data Markup Helper. Also, you can use Yoast or Schema Pro plugins if you have a WordPress website.
• Make sure that the structured data is used on the page where it appears in search results (this can be done by linking one HTML element with another). You don’t need to add more than what is required for a single item. Otherwise, it may appear as duplicate content in search results.


• Guided Recipes
This is a great way to show the step-by-step process of making a recipe. You can use this format when there are multiple steps, or if you want to highlight one particular aspect of your dish.
    <title>Party Coffee Cake</title>
    <script type="application/ld+json">
      "@context": "",
      "@type": "Recipe",
      "name": "Party Coffee Cake",
      "image": [
      "author": {
        "@type": "Person",
        "name": "Mary Stone"
      "datePublished": "2018-03-10",
      "description": "This coffee cake is awesome and perfect for parties.",
      "prepTime": "PT20M",
      "cookTime": "PT30M",
      "totalTime": "PT50M",
      "keywords": "cake for a party, coffee",
      "recipeYield": "10",
      "recipeCategory": "Dessert",
      "recipeCuisine": "American",
      "nutrition": {
        "@type": "NutritionInformation",
        "calories": "270 calories"
      "recipeIngredient": [
        "2 cups of flour",
        "3/4 cup white sugar",
        "2 teaspoons baking powder",
        "1/2 teaspoon salt",
        "1/2 cup butter",
        "2 eggs",
        "3/4 cup milk"
      "recipeInstructions": [
          "@type": "HowToStep",
          "name": "Preheat",
          "text": "Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour a 9x9 inch pan.",
          "url": "",
          "image": ""
          "@type": "HowToStep",
          "name": "Mix dry ingredients",
          "text": "In a large bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.",
          "url": "",
          "image": ""
          "@type": "HowToStep",
          "name": "Add wet ingredients",
          "text": "Mix in the butter, eggs, and milk.",
          "url": "",
          "image": ""
          "@type": "HowToStep",
          "name": "Spread into pan",
          "text": "Spread into the prepared pan.",
          "url": "",
          "image": ""
          "@type": "HowToStep",
          "name": "Bake",
          "text": "Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, or until firm.",
          "url": "",
          "image": ""
          "@type": "HowToStep",
          "name": "Enjoy",
          "text": "Allow to cool and enjoy.",
          "url": "",
          "image": ""
      "aggregateRating": {
        "@type": "AggregateRating",
        "ratingValue": "5",
        "ratingCount": "18"
      "video": {
        "@type": "VideoObject",
        "name": "How to make a Party Coffee Cake",
        "description": "This is how you make a Party Coffee Cake.",
        "thumbnailUrl": [
        "contentUrl": "",
        "embedUrl": "",
        "uploadDate": "2018-02-05T08:00:00+08:00",
        "duration": "PT1M33S",
        "interactionStatistic": {
          "@type": "InteractionCounter",
          "interactionType": { "@type": "WatchAction" },
          "userInteractionCount": 2347
        "expires": "2019-02-05T08:00:00+08:00"
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• Breadcrumb
This format helps users navigate through your website by showing them where they are in relation to other content on your site. It also helps search engines better understand what pages are linked together and how they relate to each other (especially important for mobile!).
    <title>Award Winners</title>
    <script type="application/ld+json">
      "@context": "",
      "@type": "BreadcrumbList",
      "itemListElement": [{
        "@type": "ListItem",
        "position": 1,
        "name": "Books",
        "item": ""
        "@type": "ListItem",
        "position": 2,
        "name": "Science Fiction",
        "item": ""
        "@type": "ListItem",
        "position": 3,
        "name": "Award Winners"
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Guided Recipes

A guided recipe is a step-by-step guided experience that helps users learn how to do something. It’s similar to an instruction manual or tutorial, but it’s more interactive and engaging. The best way to add a guided recipe is by using the Structured Data Testing Tool in Google Search Console. In order for your recipe to be eligible for display on Google Search and as a Guided Recipe on the Assistant, it must be structured as an entity. You can use an existing entity as a starting point for your recipe, or create your own entity with relevant attributes.

Mark up your recipe content with the following properties of the Recipe type. The full definition of the Recipe is available at

Final words

We hope this guide has been helpful in understanding what structured data is, how it can be used, and some examples of how you can use it.

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